The birth of a signature brand.

Sheikha came to us wanting to develop a brand and visual identity for her beautiful products. Through discovery workshops and tissue sessions, we learnt early on that the products were very personal to Sheikha, an extension of her creativty and thinking. From the colors and the style of the jewellery to the social accounts - it was all her name. The natural thing for us was to evolve that into creating a signature brand with every element of the brand being born out of who she was as a person.

The logo was created from her signature. A minimalistic visual system supported it with light illustrations and simple human touches to ensure the product would be the hero. A single prominent color, the green, was part of the brand visual system - also Sheikha’s favorite color that inspired a lot of her jewelry.

The photography for her e-com website and social pages was themed around love, with intimate connections coming through in the visuals to reflect her passionate personality and the collection.